Category Archives: Festivals

Green Festival and Vegetable Soup


  Well hello there!! to whoever might be reading this blog.  Today was a beautiful day, though I spent most of it inside…. but still walking to and from the metro was quite beautiful. 

   The Green Festival started today, which I of course went to.  The Green Festival happens once a year and occurs in different cities across the US.  It’s like the mecca for all crunchy granola hippies, vegans and eco-conscious people.  I woke this morning feeling like it was christmas!! a) because there are always tons of awesome samples that you can take with you and always lots of vegan type vendors and b) this was also like a job fair for me!!  So I printed out a bunch of copies of my resume and frolicked over to the convention center to network away!


  There were hundreds of vendors, everything from eco-friendly housing (lighting, insulating, kitchens, bathrooms, flooring etc.) to ec0-friendly beauty products, veg friendly food, ec0-clothing, jewelry and….. schools! I even saw my high school had a booth!! It made me laugh because of course my high school (Washington Waldorf School) was the only high school there and of course only my high school would you see in the booth someone spinning their own wool and felting…. ohhh Waldorf… I wish I had taken a picture but I was so caught up in the fond memories it slipped my mind. 

  I was very excited to grab some lunch there, everything was vegan, so hard to choose!! But I finally decided on a veggie wrap, unfortunately it was awful… I hate when I spend money on something ($8!!!) on food that I have to force myelf to finish, simply because I dont want to waste money.  The hummus was dry, the lettuce tasted horrible and there were like no veggies, just tons of bad tasting lettuce.   Bleh… and only one of the two mini muffins I got for dessert was good.  Thank god I had that one last so my meal ended on a good note.  So I then proceeded to where all the food vendors were to get lots of samples since I was still hungry.


  *Sigh* so disappointing…. oh well  

 So, the good news is that I walked away from the festival with an interview set up for monday and a handful of other contacts of which I will be sending my resume to. Yay!!! 🙂

   I came home and decided I wanted to make some vegetable soup… although after just having some I believe I need to make some changes to the recipe.  I need to soak the beans first then cook them and then add the veggies.  I may try doing what my roommate just suggested and put it all in the blender and make a bisque!! If that proves to be tasty then I shall post the recipe 🙂  I love experimenting with cooking  and baking, I do believe I can thank my dad for that one.  So Thanks Dad!!