Monthly Archives: April 2013

I’m BAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello my beautiful lovelies!!

I feel like such a bad blogger! Life has been crazy, I’ve been crazy, therefore my blog took the backseat for a while.  So, let me update you on what all has been going on!

Last you all heard I was living in beautiful California!  It was gorgeous and fun, but once my AmeriCorps year ended, I was jobless!  So I went on the hunt for a job and ended up finding a job all the way back in my home town of DC!  So after only a year in California, here I was packing up my car again and headed back east.  So disappointing!  But I needed a job, so off I went.

I started my job in October, and it’s been a crazy whirlwind of ups and downs.  While I absolutely love that I am finally working as a personal trainer, like I’ve always wanted, it’s also incredibly stressful!  It’s not a job secure job situation, you’re clients come and go, which means your income goes up and down.  So I’m now finally trying to get myself organized, make sure that I pre-plan, make the most solid experience with my clients, but A LOT of work and planning goes into that!  Basically this whole job has been a lot of trial and error, and figuring out.  I suppose that goes with most first time jobs.  Prior to this job and AmeriCorps, I’d only had jobs that I just showed up at and did the work.  No outside work was ever required.

So that’s what has been going on.  My goal for the next few months is to really begin building my brand, building my business and trying to bring in as much side work as possible so that I can make a real true living and be able to take more vacations, do more races etc… !

So here is my question for you all.  What would you like to see more of on here?  I am also going to be offering services such as health coaching, online personal training etc…  Making this blog an up and running business!

Please feel free to comment or send me a message!!